Sunday, February 24, 2013

Not the next Pope

Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, and a possible candidate for successor to Benedict XVI, went to shul Shabbat yesterday.  Albeit a very dark-horse candidate, and outside of the range of the Malachy prophetic vision, after all, he did say, “Six hundred thirteen commandments? I have trouble with The Ten!” As a result, we know he has a problem with “Saint Paul’s Joke” – thus is a victim of it.

Interesting statement  from another source:

“Forty-five years after Nostra Aetate [the Vatican II document that repudiated Catholic anti-Semitism and teachings of contempt”], there is a rich history of Vatican-Jewish relations and American Catholic-Jewish relations—most of which is very good. Dolan might have spent a minute on this.”

Analysts of New York synagogue affairs opined that Cardinal Dolan’s visit was part of a campaign to position the Lincoln Square Synagogue, now housed in a new building, as a cutting-edge congregation, a position it held forty years ago.

Assuming he does not  have some undisclosed connection to Rome, and isn’t planning on assuming the name PETER, this is the man who will not get the position:

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