Tuesday, August 18, 2009

More on Ergolding

It appears (from Isotopic examination) that the three R1b individuals were raised in the region of Ravensburg. The probable origin point would have been Wolfegg Castle.

That said, The R1b belongs to the Frankish Kings -- France & Normandy -- and have no business being there. Again, that said, the Bavarian s were reinforced by Frankish soldiers during the reign of Duke Garibald I of Bavaria (540CE). He was the second husband of Waldrada -- the widow of the Frankish/Merovingian king Theudebald.

Did Waldrada & Theudebald have a son who traveled with her from the Merovigian Court to Bavaria? If so, that sons could have been ancestor to the three men found at Ergolding. This would explain both their apparent status and their Frankish R1b DNA.

Theudebald died in 555CE. The son would have been born after 531 and before 555CE -- allowing for failure to gain throne upon his father's death, he was probably born between 550 and 555 CE. His son would have been born c.580, his grandson 610CE and the great-grandsons found at Ergolding would have been born around 635/40 CE.

The alternative is that the Ergolding remains were Frankish Troops -- based on their armor and the fact their graves were not vandalized, they were important officers -- thus nobles.

At this point, the issue is one of paper trail ... whose children go from the region around Normandy to Bravaria?


  1. "...based on their armor and the fact their graves were not vandalized, they were important officers -- thus nobles."

    So, based on their graves not being vandalized, they were nobles." This is nuts. Egyptian pharaohs' tombs were vandalized. Were they not noble? I'm missing something in your logic here. Right beside them, the 244D, E and F skeletons were reported as "robbed."

  2. I match with the Ergolding R1Bs. I strongly believe this DNA sequence is linked to Salian Merovingian people. The Salian Franks originated in Saxony / Westphalia.

    Checkt out their history: Salian Franks

  3. To Steve St Clairs' comment: the Pharaoh's tombs were robbed because they contained vast riches - totally different from a soldiers grave. However, the Armor of a low grade soldier was sold, or reused. The nobility were buried with theirs. However, grave robberies did occur but the sites were not isolated to the degree the Pharaohs were -- neither did they consis of large chambers. Therefore large scale looting was not normally achieved - though some would occur. It simply took too much time and was too dangerous to loot every grave. The preferred method was to get the goods from the battlefield prior to burial.

    Bjorn Witlox comment: In this period, Clovis had converted to Latin Christianity, and the Frankish kingdom was formed in connection with Visigoth and Merovingian and a host of others -- basically, eventually creating a state which we would today recognize as incorporating all of Europe.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Why Wolfegg castle? The Ravensburg area is south of it. In Weingarten (Altdorf) near Ravensburg itself was probably an equal important place/fortification that became the heart of duchy of Upper-Swabia during the reign of the house of Welf.

    By the way a rich grave of that period does not necessarily imply inheritable nobility as the research of the Weingarten cemetery had shown.

    quote:"Furthermore, it was possible to identify several nuclear families in the sample: interestingly, in various cases the individuals belonging to these families were of differing social rank which led to the assumption that social rank in the medieval society could not have been determined by birth but was acquired during life."

